Monday, August 19, 2013

Thank you Minneapolis.

This is my table half I had at the fair. It is full of fun things. What bums me out the most is when people walk by, look from 3+ feet away and then keep walking. I try to go up and down the rows looking at everything unless it is super crowded or the people are engaged in something and not welcoming. But come on folks, be a looky-loo! Come in, touch things, open books, smell the eye pillows, lets talk about the weather and the cute dogs roaming around.

Thank you everyone who came out in Sunday for the craft fair. Our tent was nice and fun and full. I had a wonderful time. It is kind of awesome to be stuck in a ten by ten foot area with some friends you don't see nearly enough for about 8 hours. It is also really great to see all these other awesome handmade things that other people make, AND for the most part folks are really friendly and you can craft nerd out and talk shop. 

1 comment:

  1. looky- loo! so cute. i agree. why so stand-offish people? creative spirits, come together. right now.
